Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Harrison Owen

Harrison Owen lives in Maryland and is immediately available to help any element of the U.S. Government, from White House to the smallest independent element of the U.S. Intelligence Community. “Learning as Transformation” is one of his more important and most widely-read online papers. He is the inventor of Open Space Technology (OST).  Below are …

Reference: “True Cost” of Private Military Contractors

David Isenberg Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq Posted: October 9, 2010 12:20 AM PMSC and the Quest for Perfect Information Phi Beta Iota: Click on the PMSC title to read the entire post at Huffington Post.  Below is the quoted testimony followed by a link to our review of the officer’s book. …

Search: organizational intelligence

This is one of the most important searches anyone could make, and the results were annoyingly fragmented.  Here is a human in the loop response to your rightous search. Review: Organizational Intelligence (Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry) Graphic: The Four Quadrants of Knowledge [Quadrant IV] Our general observation is that organizational intelligence requires …

Reference: 27 Sep MajGen Robert Scales, USA (Ret), PhD

The Next Generation of Small Unit Warfare [NOTES] A Lunch Discussion with Major General (ret.) Robert H. Scales, PhD Monday, September 27, 2010, 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm The Brookings Institution, Stein Room, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC The 21st Century American military it has found itself fighting two extended land wars, neither against …

Review: The World in 2050–Four Forces Shaping Civilization’s Northern Future

Limits to Growth in the 21st Century September 30, 2010 Laurence C. Smith This book was recommended to me and I recommend it to others, but with the following observations: 1) Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update was there in the 1970’s. It troubles me, as much as I read, how I seem to see …

Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

Updated 1 November 2012 to add core graphic: Graphic: Ethical Evidence-Based Decisions.  Updated 13 April 2012 to add new book: THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust.  Updated 8 March 2012 to add underlying philosophical reference: 2012-03-08 GOD MAN INTERVAL Reformatted & Linked.  Updated 6 December 2011 to add this seminal reference: Journal: …