2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else How Obama Can Create a Smart Nation and a Prosperous World at Peace By ROBERT DAVID STEELE VIVAS Today’s secret intelligence community costs the U.S. taxpayer over $65 billion a year, and yet, according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (Ret), provides less than 4% of the decision support needed …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Strategy

Strategy 2001 Threats, Strategy, and Force Structure: An Alternative Paradigm for National Security Review: Blue Ocean Strategy–How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant Review: Environmental Security and Global Stability–Problems and Responses Review: Fast Strategy–How strategic agility will help you stay ahead of the game Review: Grand Strategies in War and Peace Review: …

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Medard Gabel

Medard Gabel is a noted author and speaker who co-founded World Game Institute with Buckminster Fuller. Medard also founded BigPictureSmallWorld, Inc..  In conjunction with Global Education Motivators, Medard created the Design Science lab which is a workshop for developing strategies to address the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.  As #2 to Buckminster Fuller for many …