Review: Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction (Paperback)

Utterly Brilliant Synthesis, Vital First Step–US Violates Every Single Principle December 18, 2009 United States Institute of Peace This book is a six-star special and will be so rated at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, where I cluster like non-fictions books in 98 categories, one of which is Stabilization & Reconstruction. At its …

Journal: Weak Signals–Civil War in the USA?

Missouri Billboard Warns: “Prepare For War” Against Government (12 December 2009) A new billboard off of Interstate 70 in Missouri provides a short “citizens guide to REVOLUTION of a corrupt government” and issues a call to “PREPARE FOR WAR.” This billboard replaces one that warned that the socialist “Obama-Nation” is “coming for you.” It’s unclear …

Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up!

EDIT:  See alsoJournal: Wall Street Scam Collateral Damage II From a Source in Moscow (First Two Paragraphs Only) Russian trade ministry officials are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that China is preparing to plunge the United States and European Union into the “dustbin of history” as major World economic powers over their, the West’s, …

Journal: Taming the Informal Shadow Government

What do the MICC, the Collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the Financial Meltdown Have in Common? I strongly recommend that readers study carefully the attached article by Janine Wedel.  She analyzes the emergence of self-organizing government – industry networks in the post communist states and then compares these structures to the very similar emergence of …

Journal: Out of Touch with Reality I

Lifestyle Hackers Jim Routh and Gary McGraw examine why twenty-somethings skateboard  right past security controls, and what it means for employers (i.e.  you!) November 02, 2009 The insider threat, the bane of computer security and a topic of  worried conversation among CSOs, is undergoing significant change.  Over the years, the majority of insider threats have …