Journal: Wayne Madson on “Conflict or Revolution”

Confidential Doc Warns Of Conflict Or Revolution For US Wayne Madsen Report 4-3-8 WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is warning of a bleak future for the United States …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 02 Nov 09

Hot Topics CD: Protest in DRC over insecurity 11/01/09 CF:  Children bearing brunt of Central African Republic’s troubles, says UNICEF offic 10/21/09 DZ: Algeria: Al-Qaeda failing to attract recruits govt claims 10/30/09 ET: Can Ethiopia’s Electoral Code Guarantee Fair Elections? 11/01/09 ET: Ethiopia: 3 soldiers defect to Eritrea 10/31/09 GM: Former military police commander calls …

Journal: Democratic Leadership GUTS Federal Reserve Audit Bill–Roll-Call Vote Could Be the Straw that Breaks the Two–Party Tyranny in 2010

Federal Reserve Policy Audit Legislation ‘Gutted,’ Paul Says Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) –By Bob Ivry Representative Ron Paul, the Texas Republican who has called for an end to the Federal Reserve, said legislation he introduced to audit monetary policy has been “gutted” while moving toward a possible vote in the Democratic-controlled House. The bill, with 308 …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 27 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: Uruguay #1 for Prosperity in South America; Venezuela and Bolivia the Worst 10/26/09 CL: Chile president proposes limiting military courts 10/27/09 CO: Uribe requests repatriation of Colombians murdered in Venezuela 10/26/09 DO: Lucrative charcoal spurs Dominican- Haitian crime cartels 10/26/09 HN: Honduran forces blast recordings of sound effects outside Brazilian embassy 10/22/09 …

Review: National Suicide: How Washington Is Destroying the American Dream from A to Z

Great Airport Book, Really Substantive October 26, 2009 Martin L. Gross The publisher has failed to use the tools that Amazon provides, so “Look Inside the Book” and especially the Table of Contents, are not available. Shame on the publisher. I would normally take away one star for this lack of due diligence. This author …