Robert Steele: 5G is the Future, China is the Main Enemy? – Steve Bannon is a Moron

I wrote Steve Bannon off a while ago, but as he has been desperately scrabbling around for money (the Mercers very wisely cut him off) and is now running his mouth about shit he does not understand, I thought to highlight the headline below and make a comment. Stephen Bannon on Huawei and the Communist …

Mongoose: US Government Perfidy on 5G – Trump Will NOT Be Re-Elected If This Stands Unchallenged

This 1976 report makes it clear that the US Government has understood the genocidal and ecocidal dangers of electromagnetic radiation including 5G, from day one. If President Trump does not forbid the use of 5G in the USA (as both Israel and Russia have) he will not be re-elected in 2020.  This is a cross-over …

Mongoose: 5G Genocide – Ecocide Law Suit Gains Traction

This legal case against the FCC offers us an unparalleled chance of stopping 5G in its tracks. The Irregulators, a team of senior telecom experts, are exposing in court the illegal accounting scheme to replace wired networks with wireless and make us pay for it! EON overview:

Mongoose: Could Modern Science Hit Unethical Companies Hard? Can a Public Demand for the Truth at Any Cost Stop 5G?

Modern Science Could Hit Unethical Companies Where It Hurts The underhanded tactics Monsanto and other chemicals makers use to hide the dangers in products like Roundup are perfectly legal. But it’s getting harder to keep the mounting evidence secret. Phi Beta Iota: Worth a look but hypocritical in that academia and media have been happy to be …