Yoda: Europe is Burning, MSM Censoring Story — 5G Down?

Alert Reader in Netherlands says: Omg, Europe is on fire, really. The Gillet Jaunes are STILL going, not missed a week=france lit Catalania politicians are jailed for 10-13 years= catalania lit! people are fuming! Netherland farmers continue to protest. They are barging down gouverment doors, literally. Dutch are LIT! When they where marching in, police …

Koko: Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation

Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation Phi Beta Iota: Scientifically-sound public opposition to 5G is beginning to take effect. Mindful of the FACT that Lloyd’s will not insure 5G specifically and wireless generally, we should all treat 5G the way asbestos and tobacco and anything made by Monsanto should be …

SPECIAL: Erin Brockovich Law Firm Joins Citizens’ Lawsuit Against 5G and Wireless Radiation

Erin Brockovich Law Firm Joins Citizens’ Lawsuit Against 5G and Wireless Radiation The “Race for 5G” and all it requires could eventually expose the entire U.S. population to dangerous levels of Electromagnetic Radiation (aka “Electrosmog”) AS WELL AS create the potential for many kinds of other serious issues and events according to various credible sources …