Rickard Falkvinge: Charlie Shrem, From House Arrest, Earns Standing Ovation – Free Knowledge, Free the Market, Free the World!

Nothing New Under The Sun, Bitcoin Edition Cryptocurrency – Charlie Shrem:  I was invited to speak at Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin this past week. Due to my house arrest, I’ve been largely staying low key but felt I needed to make a statement, a strong one. I asked Rick if I could use his …

Ted Shulman: The Future of Internet Alternatives

The Future of Internet Alternatives Derrick Broze BenSwann.com, 28 February 2014 In the wake of leaked documents detailing extensive, indiscriminate monitoring of the internet a number of solutions have appeared. These new alternatives to the traditional world wide web could completely alter the way we access information. But can they stop a nosy government? Is …