HOME PAGE: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?

SHORT URL for this home page: http://tinyurl.com/orlando-false-flag NEW: Updated chapter, 70 anomalies, 166 notes, 58 pages now including copy of certified letter to director of the FBI James Comey. AMAZON: Steele, Robert. The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?, Amazon Kindle, June 24, 2016, 58 pages, $3.69. Steele, Robert. The …

ROBERT STEELE: 5 Shooters in Orlando OR Crisis Actors?

New Orlando Shooter Eyewitness Emerges: Testifies That 5 People Were Involved In Pulse Attack The eyewitness said that the shooter made mention that he was the “fourth shooter” and that there were “three others,” “snipers,” along with a ‘female suicide bomber’ that was playing dead. I believe Orlando to be a false flag operation with …

Robert Steele: Snap-Shot on Gold & Off-Ledger Accounts

It never occurred to me that accidentally becoming the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, partially associated with my being the lead for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for 25 years across 66+ countries, would be vastly more important than everything I ever learned across multiple graduate degrees, as a former spy, and as co-founder of the …

Worth a Look: Old Gold, Bright Future — From JFK & Indonesian-Chinese Gold to End of the New World Order…

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE |THE CONNECTION BETWEEN 9/11, JFK AND THE GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS Phi Beta Iota: An alert reader intimately familiar with both Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan suggested we replace the 30 May 2016 YouTube with the below documented, linked, illustrated 10 November 2015 report from Neil Keenan. We consider this so important (mindful …