Robert Steele: Concept for a Post-Western Economic and Engineering Paradigm — How Putin-Modi and Xi-Trump Can Save Humanity with Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)

Concept for a Post-Western Economic-Engineering Paradigm How Putin-Modi and Xi-Trump Can Save Humanity with Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Russian International Affairs Council 5 April 2017 The drums of war are beating across the neo-fascist West, from the neo-conservatives in the USA who continue to control US national security policy and seek confrontations with both …

Robert Steele: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] by Donald Trump (Trump Revolution 09)

THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? Robert David STEELE Vivas PREFACE The President and his closest personal staff have confused Divine Providence – the hand of God in over-turning a rigged system – with a mandate to govern. They are confusing Republican Party control of the Senate and the …

Amazon Kindle: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] – Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? (Trump Revolution Book 09)

The Deep State, consisting of Wall Street as managed by the Rothschilds and influenced by the Vatican as well as the leaders of Israel and Saudi Arabia, fronted for by the two-party tyranny that seeks to destroy our President, and aided by the secret intelligence services spying on all politicians, judges, and others of import …

SPECIAL: Four-Track Program to Destroy Trump

I have been talking to a number of people including Alex Jones, Cynthia McKinney and others, and I clearly see the outlines of the final push to impeach Donald Trump and drive him out of office. This assault on democracy, freedom, and liberty is pursuing four  tracks:

SPECIAL: Bryan Dean Wright: Spies Out of Control — CIA More Dangerous to Republic Than Russia or Iran

I’m a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control Bryan Dean Wright Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis. Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold …

Robert Steele: Flynn Deserved to Be Fired, But Not for Talking to Russians UPDATE: Pedophilia Aspect

UPDATE: It is now known that the Vice President joined in the chorus to fire Mike Flynn after he learned that Flynn kept from the Vice President the fact that a list of high-level pedophiles in the USA, obtained from Amsterdam, included a close personal friend of the Vice President’s, and this was discussed with …