Mini-Me: Special Russian (Truth) – US (Lies) – Ukraine (Atrocity Central) SitRep + Ukraine RECAP

Huh? SPECIAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 23 July 2014 I’ve been doing these Sitreps for 14 years; I have never done a special before. But I have never felt that we were close to war before either. To go to war is bad enough, but to go to war over lies… RUSSIAN MILITARY BRIEFING. The key …

Reference: HSBC South-South Special – What a Globalizing China Means for Latin America + China RECAP

Points to Consider: 01 PRC Rising in Caribbean, Central & South America 02 Banking, Mining, Power, Water… 03 PRC Non-Official Rising Employer and Tax Revenue Power 04 Not Addressed: Export of Chinese Males — Demographic Majority Inevitable Source Snap-Shot: South-South ties between China and LatAm are growing beyond the well-known trade flows. Chinese corporates are …

4th Media: Putin Trying to Build & Secure Rail Link through DPRK + High-Speed Rail RECAP

Putin Trying to Build & Secure Rail Link through DPRK(aka, “North Korea”) for Moving Goods between Asia and Europe Putin is inching closer to his goal of turning Russia into a major transit route for trade between eastern Asia and Europe by prying open North Korea, a nuclear-capable dictatorship isolated for half a century. Russia last …

Neal Rauhauser: Modern Turkey + Turkey RECAP

Modern Turkey The Turkey of today is the homeland of ethnic Turks in the western two thirds, while the major population groups of the east are Kurds and the Zaza, an Iranian people with their own language, but who view themselves as closely connected to the Kurds. Read full post with additional graphical maps.

Mini-Me: Latin America to USA — “Piss Off” + Cuba Makes Four Offering Asylum + Bolivia RECAP + Exchange for US Extradicting Bankers on Table

Huh? Three Latin American leftist leaders offer asylum to Snowden (Reuters) – Bolivia offered asylum on Saturday to former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden, joining leftist allies Venezuela and Nicaragua in defiance of Washington, which is demanding his arrest for divulging details of secret U.S. spy programs. EXTRACTS: “I want to tell … the …