NRO jumps on open source bandwagon — sort of…

NRO jumps on open source bandwagon The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is the latest government spy agency to take the leap into the open source software community. EXTRACT Other U.S. spy agencies have also embraced open source technology in recent projects. With security being such an important issue, it might seem counterintuitive to use software …

Tomasz Tunguz: The Disruptive Effect of Open Source Startups

The Disruptive Effect of Open Source Startups Open source is a disruptive distribution strategy. It allows potential users and buyers of a software to try it, evaluate it, and understand exactly how it works because the source code is freely available. Open source companies market to developers exactly how developers would like to be marketed …

Sepp Hasslberger: Jon Rappoport on Vaccines, the Big Picture, and Why Total Offense to Take Back the Power is Required

Vaccines are part of a precise agenda. Jon Rappoport explains what that agenda is, and he concludes: “Understanding all these points should convince those who resist vaccination that playing defense, hoping for acknowledgment, and pleading for understanding are not enough. Going on the offense with great energy is required.” Globalism and the push for mandatory …