Journal: Pakistani Perspectives

Taliban Insurgency in Pakistan: A Counterinsurgency Perspective How counterinsurgents manipulate insurgents’ disadvantage in their own favor would ultimately prove crucial. The task requires vision, will and capacity, but so far the state seems to lack effective strategy on this tactical front. The Taliban insurgency in the tribal areas has regional dimensions as well, with regional …

Journal: “Pakistan Act” Weakens National Security

In opposition to the Pakistan Act, sponsored byBarbara Boxer [D-CA], Thomas Carper [D-DE], Robert Casey [D-PA], Hillary Clinton [D-NY], Christopher Dodd [D-CT], Richard Durbin [D-IL], Charles Hagel [R-NE], John Kerry [D-MA], Richard Lugar [R-IN], Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI], Ron Paul offers some thoughts worthy of consideration. Phi Beta Iota: The Republic is now confronted with both …

Journal: The New “Cold War” Pakistan vs India, Many vs. Israel

Taliban claim Afghan bomb, say [Indian] embassy was target KABUL – The Taliban have claimed responsibility for Thursday’s suicide car bomb in the Afghan capital, saying their target was the Indian Embassy. Phi Beta Iota: India’s hands are not clean.  There are ample reports of India offering safe-haven bases for cross-border terrorism into Pakistan, and …

Journal: Early Warning on Further Destabilization from Afghanistan and India into Pakistan

In an exclusive interview with Foreign Policy Journal, retired Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul responds to charges that he supports terrorism, discusses 9/11 and ulterior motives for the war on Afghanistan, claims that the U.S., Israel, and India are behind efforts to destabilize Pakistan, and charges the U.S. and its allies with responsibility for the lucrative …