Journal: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Punjab, and Taliban

 Could the Taliban Take Over Pakistan’s Punjab Province? By Ahmad Majidyar  |  AEI Online (June 2010) Key points in this Outlook: Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and al Qaeda have teamed up with Punjabi militant and sectarian groups to destabilize Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province. Although the militants have yet to assert the same control in southern …

NIGHTWATCH on Afghanistan, Pakistan, & India

Pakistan-Afghan: Expressing dissatisfaction about the deteriorating Afghan situation, Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi said that talks are the only solution to the Afghan problem and no military means can bring peace. Qureshi spoke in a joint press conference with his Afghan counterpart Dr. Zalmai Rasoul. Qureshi said they discussed the security situation, especially the efforts of …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Plays US as Fool

Pakistan-India: Pakistan has deployed more troops on the eastern border with India.  Confirming the report, Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Britain, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, said that India had increased pressure on the border by building several new military cantonments close to the sensitive frontier, and Islamabad can not remain “subservient” to the move. “The government has …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistani Education as Weapon Against USA–The Failure of US Militarization

Pakistan: Special note. The second part of yesterday’s PBS show Frontline concerned the condition of the public school system in Pakistan. It has collapsed in nearly every respect. The video report noted that nearly half of the 65 million school age kids in Pakistan do not attend public schools. It did not follow-up that datum …