Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part III

24 Dec Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation 3 Jan Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II Andrew Carpenter responds (Robert Steele’s opening at end): I offer here a cautionary note in three areas. First, Robert, I get that you have a prior commitment to electoral reform, and that’s your proprietary thing close to your heart. …

Journal: Presidential Election 2012 Rolling Update

9 Dec 10 Nader: Bloomberg Could Win–21 Reasons (Daily Beast) 9 Dec 10 Ralph Nader Predicts Obama Will Face Democratic Primary Challenger in 2012 (Politics Daily) He called the president “opportunistic” and lacking in principles.  “He’s a con man. I have no use for him,” Nader said. 6 Dec 10 Journal: Rabbi Michael Lerner, Barack …