DefDog: Dysfunction in US political system exposed

Debt ceiling struggle exposing dysfunction in the U.S. political system John Farmer on July 17, 2011 EXTRACT: How’d we get in this fix? It wasn’t easy and it involved many things — congressional redistricting, polarization of both GOP and Democratic Party “bases” and their media sycophants, the increasing influence of lobbying money, and the political …

Diversity in Wholeness: “We were made different to complete each other…”

Dear friends, Two remarkable presentations of our common humanity and shared predicament showed up in my email today.  One is one of the most beautiful and intense videos I’ve ever seen and the other is a glimpse of the global spirit infusing the current uprisings in very diverse nations. Blessings on our shared Journey… Coheartedly, …

Professor: American Revolution Might be Impossible to Stop–“Reform” of Rot Is a Non-Starter…

Following a week of political unrest, capped off by Friday’s organized pro-democracy uprising across the USA, President Barack Obama dismissed his Cabinet on Saturday and stepped before television cameras calling for an end to the protests. But he stopped short of resigning—as his people were demanding. They blame him for poverty, unemployment, widespread corruption and …