Journal: US Research & Development in the Toilet

U.S. innovation: On the skids Technologists look to a new White House to reverse decade-long slide in R&D By Gary Anthes, ComputerWorld, October 21, 2008 By most measures, the U.S. is in a decade-long decline in global technological competitiveness. The reasons are many and complex, but central among them is the country’s retreat from long-term …

Review: The Politics of Happiness–What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being

Absolutely Righteous, Mis-Leading Title June 20, 2010 Derek Bok First off, I’m back. After three months integrating into a field position with a prominent international organization, with three days off the whole time, I am finally able to get back to reading, and have about fifteen books on water I was going to read for …

21.3% of Malicious ‘Spam’ Researched by Symantec comes from Shaoxing China (30% China, 21.1% from Romania, US 3rd)

Researchers based in Symantec studied over 12 billion emails and identified that almost 30% of all malicious emails are sourced from within China and that 21.3% came from the Chinese city of Shaoxing alone.  The researchers were also able to identify that the primary targets for these malicious emails were human rights activists and experts …

Reference: National Cyber Security Research and Development Challenges Related to Economics, Physical Infrastructure and Human Behavior

DOI:  2009 from the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P) We are developing a commentary on the cyber-scam and cyber-ignorance of most of the US Government.  The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the only element that is doing its job, everyone else, most especially the U.S. Intelligence Community, is completely lost.  There are exactly 66 …

Journal: Defense Research, Science, & Technology

DoD Suppressed Critique of Military Research New DoD Website Fosters Secret Science Phi Beta Iota:Two reports today confirm our grave doubts about the viability of U.S. Departemnt of Defense (DoD) research in general, and Science & Technology (S&T) in particular.  In combination with the known grid-loock and inherent loss of integrity within defense acquisition, these …

Worth a Look: 129 Public Benefit Research and Public Policy Institutions, With No Information-Sharing or Aggregate Sense-Making, i.e. All Noise No Signal

Charity Navigator has been on our list of Righteous Sites from the beginning.  Today we want to highlight their listing and ratings of 129 “think tanks” or Research and Public Policy Institutes ostensibly committed to the Public Benefit. Of course we all know that most of these are driven by either ideology or corporate funding …