Mini-Me: Hit Job on Petraeus and CIA Neo-Cons? The Panetta Narrative?

Huh? Op-Ed: Benghazi attack — The October surprise that backfired Eric Morales Digital Journal, 17 November 2012 The Romney campaign was banking on the Benghazi attack making Obama the next Jimmy Carter, however it has instead blown up in the face of the American right – only problem is, they haven’t realized that yet. Conservatives …

Chuck Spinney: Killing America – Government Specifications Cost Plus

Note to readers: this blaster contains two clearly marked inserts that were not in my Time essay.  Also, in introducing Seymour Melman’s important work below, I should have mentioned that it was Melman’s considered belief in the possibility of putting together a political coalition to facilitate the conversion of the defense industry to civilian production. …

Mini-Me: Obama Fears of Coup Put FBI Into Emails of Multiple Flag Officers? How Many Walking the Plank?

Huh? Phi Beta Iota:  Sorcha Fall is a discredited source still read in Europe that has a gift for connecting dots in strange ways that often make real sense.  We do not believe that a coup was planned or that there was a serious plan to assassinate Romney and slip Petraeus in at the last …

Chuck Spinney: Break Syria, Mali, Niger? Do We Really Want to Keep Making a Costly Mess?

NOVEMBER 12, 2012 An Era of Conflicts The New Political Map of the Middle East by PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch President Obama is lucky in his opponents, particularly when it comes to explaining why America’s influence is waning in the Middle East. The issue was hardly mentioned in the election, aside from a botched attempt …

Yoda: Data Producing Intelligence — But Not in the “Intelligence” Community

Intelligence, this is. Predicting presidents, storms and life by computer Associated Press, Saturday, November 10, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — Forget political pundits, gut instincts, and psychics. The mightier-than-ever silicon chip seems to reveal the future. In just two weeks this fall, computers models displayed an impressive prediction prowess. It started when the first computer model …

Jackie Salit: Obama & The Independents — Comment by Robert Steele on Why Independents — and Paulistas and Greens — Remain Irrelevant

Obama and Independents: The Micro, the Macro and the Forest by Jacqueline Salit The Obama campaign team did everything right. That’s the consensus among journalists, consultants, and the political class. I’ve watched some of them literally swoon over maps of the 50 states showing how the President’s campaign surgically identified pockets of “blue voters”, marooned …

Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone

None of my liberal friends who I sent this article have responded or commented on it. Perhaps they cannot be bothered, since they are rejoicing at Obama’s win? Or could it be that Professor James Petras, who wrote it, and an outstanding scholar with many books and articles to his name, is puncturing their illusions …