SchwartzReport: Surveillance State — Good, Bad, Ugly

Here is what the American Surveillance State looks like (publicly) to Europe. This is a German assessment published in one of Europe’s leading publications. I confess I don’t like my country being thought of in this way. Prying Eyes: Inside the NSA’s War on Internet Security EXTRACTS

SchwartzReport: Half of All US Children Will Be Autistic by 2025 Warns MIT Scientists

I have been thinking about this story all day. If one out of two babies born in the U.S. will be autistic by 2025, if the present trend continues, what kind of world can that be? In 2013 the number of live births in the U.S. was 3,952,840. as described this would mean 1,976,420 autistic …

SchwartzReport: 66 Out of 17,000 Lawyers Own the Supreme Court of the USA

One of the trends that concerns me the most is the corruption of the American judiciary. As empires decay, whether Roman, Burmese, or American one of the processes the failing empire goes through is that their permanent civil service structure becomes increasingly a shop closed to all but a few with special access. This article …

SchwartzReport: US Fossil Fuel Industry: $721M to Bribe Congress; $4.8B in Subsidies (ROI), $271B in Profit

This is how you buy the government of the United States. You say, “$721 million is a lot of money.” I respond it is a cost of business item. Fossil fuel companies operating in the U.S. and Canada made $271 billion dollars in profit in 2012, while continuing to receive billions in subsidies. As of …

SchwartzReport: Will Marijuana Challenge Destroy the GOP and the Supreme Court in One Go?

It is driving the rightist prohibitionists crazy that none of the dire predictions they made about ending Marijuana prohibition have come to pass. In fact the outcomes have been the exact opposite to what they said would happen. So now they are trying to get the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to reverse what …

SchwartzReport: Joseph Stiglitz on The Chinese Century – PBI: BRICS + Poor + Open Source Everything

Read this article. This is the most important geopolitical essay I have read in 2014, in both the academic or general media.  I absolutely agree with this assessment. The decisions we make in the next two years concerning China may define the next generation of the world. If we go the Theocratic Rightist way we …