Rules for Governing Cyber-Conflict

First Joint Russian-U.S. report on Cyber Conflict The EastWest Institute released the first joint Russian-American report aimed at defining the “rules of the road” for cyber conflict.  Prepared by a team of Russian and U.S. experts convened by EWI, Working Towards Rules for Governing Cyber Conflict: Rendering the Geneva and Hague Conventions in Cyberspace explores …

Journal: Analysis of STUXNET, Iran, and US Vulnerability

David Albright, Paul Brannan, and Christina Walrond 22 December 2010, Preliminary Assessment Did Stuxnet Take Out 1,000 Centrifuges at the Natanz Enrichment Plant? 10 pages Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) Phi Beta Iota: US Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer systems are still on the Internet and still very vulnerable to internal …

Robert Garigue: Feedback for Dynamic System Change

Information security is not a static process–you cannot “lock down” information the way the Air Force has tried to do, prohibiting all flash drives because it has failed over decades to actually embed security in every aspect of the process from human to download alerts.  Interactive feedback loops are simple and effective.  Winn Schwartau pioneered …

Undersea Cables: The Achilles Heel of our Economies

Franz-Stefan Gady Foreign policy analyst, EastWest Institute Huffington Post, Posted: December 21, 2010 02:20 PM In December 2008 within milliseconds, Egypt lost 70 percent of its connection to the outside Internet. In far away India, 50 to 60 percent of online connectivity similarly was lost. In Pakistan, 12 million people were knocked offline suddenly, and …