Eagle: Pirate Party International & Pirate Party USA

Worth a look. Pirate Party is a label adopted by political parties in different countries. Pirate Parties support civil rights, direct democracy and participation, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (Open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, free education, universal health care and a clear separation between church and state.[citation …

Michael Bauwens: We could build an open Twitter, but would anyone use it?

We could build an open Twitter, but would anyone use it? Mathew Ingram GigaOm, Jul. 4, 2012 Amid the recent brouhaha over Twitter’s future — which some say is aimed at restricting what developers can do with the real-time information network, in an attempt to monetize it more easily — a number of critics have proposed …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Alan Turing the Original Hacker Avatar Increasing Need For… Bank Crime Statistics Concerned Historians Annual Report Cyberspace Neutrality and National Responsibility Extraordinary Things from Humble Origins India Terrorist Threat Within Political Scientists are Lousy Forecasters Radical Openness as an Organizing Principle Reverse Engineering the Human Brain Richard Falk on Middle East Transparency Ending Tyranny VIDEO: …

Richard Stallman: Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software 1.1

ROBERT STEELE:  I thought F/OSS had merged as a meme.  Now I understand you to mean that while both have practical similarities in outcomes, the underlying ethics are completely different. RICHARD STALLMAN: Nothing has changed.  The free software movement remains what it has always been since 1983: an ethical and political campaign for freedom for …

Gordon Duff: Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria

Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria Arab League Report Shows that Syria Has Been Mischaracterized While the Western media act like the Syrian government is wantonly and indiscriminately killing its own people without provocation, an independent investigation has found a different reality on the ground. Specifically, over 160 monitors from the Arab League – …

Irregular Times on Americans Elect Fraud

Americans Elect Candidate Ejection Committee Chaired by FBI, CIA, Military Research Chiefs Americans Elect Mischaracterizes Bernie Sanders on Priorities and on Same-Sex Marriage Christine Todd Whitman Goes to Press a 7th Time to Promote Jon Huntsman, Violating Americans Elect Policy All Prior Headlines with Links Below the Line