Reference: Defense and Energy Deficit Reduction: $688 Billion

POGO Source Page, May 8, 2012 Wasteful Spending in the Department of Defense Budget Wasteful Spending on Nuclear Weapons Programs Service Contracts Conclusion Endnotes Americans are tightening their belts, and it’s time for the U.S. government to do the same. In light of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the subsequent failure of the “Super Committee,” …

Event: 12 May + Online Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You… an invitation — $90

Two Worlds in Collision: Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You Host: Richard Dolan In the wake of an ever-growing police state, it seems the secret of human contact with other intelligences present on the Earth has been hidden. Who is keeping the secret hidden? What and who are these intelligences operating behind the scenes, and …

Venessa Miemis: Birth of a Meme – The Rise of Culture Tech

Birth of a Meme: The Rise of Culture Tech I’ve been tracking emerging trends for a while now, exploring the co-evolution of humanity and our technologies, and building visions of the kinds of futures I’d like to see. Lately, I’ve found myself a bit restless, wondering “what’s next?” The conferences and gatherings I’m attending are beginning …

Michel Bauwens: Knowing Networks as an Alternative to Closed Networks

Phi Beta Iota:  This is one of the most elegant trenchant discussions we have seen on the imperatives for arriving at collective intelligence through open methods.   The entire contribution is below the line. Debating the Iron Law of Bureaucracy and the Power Law: Knowing Networks as an alternative to scale-free networks Franco Iacomella, 2nd May …

Marcus Aurelius: Jose Rodriguez, the Ollie North of CIA

Rodriguez is dumb enough to take this as a complement.   His Wikipedia page looks like it was written by CIA PAO. Ex-CIA official says tapes destroyed to prevent al Qaeda reprisals (Reuters) – Jose Rodriguez said it took a “few hours” to destroy 92 videotapes showing his CIA colleagues using harsh interrogation techniques – including …

NIGHTWATCH: China Builds Economic-Tourism Bridge to Taiwan, Puts PLA Into a Box – US Will Continue to Demonize China for Unethical Reasons

Sixteen years ago, Pingtan Island, just north west of Taiwan, was the center of Chinese military energies to intimidate Taiwanese voters against electing a pro-independence president. Major amphibious operations were staged, some with catastrophic loss of life by military personnel because of bad weather. This also was the first time China attempted to maintain continuous …

DefDog: Counter-IED Network Analysis – Works for Law Enforcement, Ignored by US Military

When we worked on the Manhunting Project for SOCOM, the US Marshall’s Service said that fugitive hunting was all about network analysis. The IC doesn’t understand network analysis as the bean counters push for numbers….they focus on low hanging fruit and as a result there is always some guy out there ready to step up …