Mini-Me: Asian Deep Wealth versus US/EU Illuminati/Nazis

Huh? Benjamin Fulford Update 8-21-12…”Cabal Control Is Disintegrating At An Accelerating Pace On Multiple Fronts” Highlights …the IMF is now officially calling for an Iceland style solution (bust the banks and arrest corrupt bankers and politicians who accepted their bribes). Now the most brainwashed people in the West are failing to explain the contradictions of their …

Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends Mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm Introduction Checklist of 30 disabling trends Spiraling trends: cyclones in a climate of change? Interweaving “cyclones” and “anti-cyclones” in a global system Emergent polyhedral configuration of alternating systemic functions Insights from the Conference of the Birds? Conclusion References See Also: …

Review: Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator

Ryan Holiday 5.0 out of 5 stars World Class–Does to Media What Confessions of An Economic Hit Man Did to Predatory Corporations,August 12, 2012 First off, ignore any rating below four stars, they are part of the counter-attack from those the author has outed for the hypocritical, conniving, sad little minds that they are. Four …

20120809 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: THE LIST: THE AGENCY: THE BOOK: THE AUTHOR: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Winslow Wheeler: USAF Lies Big on F-22, Sacrifices Pilots, Zero Integrity

I have spoken to several people who have been closely following the problem of the F-22’s extremely serious physiological impact on its own pilots and ground crew.  Not one of these people found Major General Charles Lyon’s performance last week in a DOD briefing convincing.  If anything the general’s assertion that the problems can all be …

20120802 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: THE LIST: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE AUTHOR: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost