Berto Jongman: Japan Planning Forced Evacuation of 40 Million

Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed China said to offer up the “ghost cities” immediately capable of ingesting this number. By: Sorcha Faal, 15 April 2012 A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed …

Sponsor Sought: Reach 2,000 Hackers — AND Tanya Pemberton D/OSC x-NRO with In-Q-Tel Sabbatical

We are seeking a sponsor for the printing and free distribution of 2,000 copies of Robert Steele’s new book, THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust.  Each book can contain a label on the inside front cover with whatever content the sponsor wishes to provide.  The sponsor can specify the desired distribution, we …

Mini-Me: Debunking Civil War Myths – About Control and Money, Not Freedom – Time for Secession Again, But From All Four Corners?

Huh? Debunking Civil War Myths – Long Proven Wrong The Victors Write the War History, but Should Their Lies be Immortal? [Veterans Today Editors Note: I was 46 before I learned that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave  anywhere ….Jim W. Dean] … by  Steve Scroggins The most persistent and pernicious Big …

Amitai Etzioni: USG Suffering Multiple Realism Deficiency Disorder (MRDD)

The World America Didn’t Make Amitai Etzioni The National Interest, March 21, 2012 Robert Kagan’s book, The World America Made, is refocusing the debate on whether the United States is declining as a global power—and speculation about whether other powers will step in to assume the responsibility for sustaining a liberal, rule-based international order. Kagan …

Michel Bauwens: Evolving Toward a Partner State in an Ethical Economy

Evolving Towards a Partner State in an Ethical Economy Reality Sandwich, 4 April 2012 In the  emerging institutional model of peer production, most visibly in the free software industry, we can distinguish an interplay between three partners, i.e. 1) a community of contributors that create a commons of knowledge, software or design; 2) an enterpreneurial …

Mini-Me: Bin Laden death-detecting analytics service signs partnership with Twitter

Huh? Bin Laden death-detecting analytics service signs partnership with Twitter A Twitter analytics company that said it detected Osama bin Laden’s death before it was reported by the news media has signed a partnership with Twitter, and is expanding the availability of its service for notifying financial firms and government clients of highly unusual events. …