Chuck Spinney: Bin Laden, Perpetual War, Total Cost + Perpetual War RECAP

Osama bin Laden repeatedly said that his strategy for defeating the US and driving it out of the Middle East was to bankrupt the US by suckering it into a string expensive of never ending small wars. Osama may be dead, but the US remains locked in a state of perpetual wars abroad and shrinking …

Paul Fernhout: How Security Clearance Process Harms National Security by Eradicating Cognitive Diversity

This essay discusses how the USA’s security clearance process (mainly related to ensuring secrecy) may have a counter-productive negative effect on the USA’s national security by reducing “cognitive diversity” among security professionals. Background refs: Scott Page wrote an insightful book about the value of “cognitive diversity” in making effective groups, called The Difference: …

Chuck Spinney: Can USA Move Beyond 9/11 Pathology?

CS Note: Lightly reformatted by text unchanged and nothing added Can the United States move beyond the narcissism of 9/11? The unity brought about by the tragedy was intense but fleeting. The war on terror has been disastrous abroad and divisive at home Gary Younge,, Sunday 4 September 2011 18.00 In the immediate aftermath of …

Review: Big Man on Campus – A University President Speaks Out on Higher Education

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg 2008 Sequel to 2006 Reflections,August 27, 2011 Dr. Trachtenberg is a very active but post-presidential presence at George Washington University and in global educational circles. I first read Reflections on Higher Education. Completely different from that first book, which was a well-edited compilation of non-replicative speeches and articles, this book follows his …

Chuck Spinney: Dysfunctional West Sharply Unstable

Item 1 is an insightful essay by Patrick Seale outlining the common characteristics of the political instabilities and revolutionary pressures now sweeping Europe and the Middle East.  Although Seale uses the term Global Intifada to describe these instabilities, the term Intifada evolved out of the Palestinian struggle against occupation.  He suggests the instabilities may be …

Search: visualisation of collections management

These slides are responsive to your search intent, with five forms of collection management thought: by the mission area, by the broad target class, by the level of analysis, by the tribe, or by the discipline. General: Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence Graphic: Global Intelligence Collection Failure Graphic: Global Intelligence Processing Failure By the …