Review: NOW Who Do We Blame?–Political Cartoons by Tom Toles (Paperback)

Sheer Genius, the People’s Poet Cartoonist Laureate, June 2, 2006 Tom Toles I start every day with the Tom Toles cartoon in the Washington Post, and consider him to be the Nation’s poet cartoonist laureate. I’ve taken to buying his books as well, for cheer, for reflection, as gifts, and as a collector’s item. The …

Review: Database Nation –The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century (Paperback)

Quite Useful Exploration of Technology vs. Values, May 31, 2006 Simson Garfinkel I have been reading books about privacy, notably from Australia where they first got worried about this, and am an admirer of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) based in Washington, D.C. so I can say with confidence that this book is not …

The Citizens Party “Had Enough? Vote Democratic!” Is NOT ENOUGH, We Need a New Dual Membership Party

April 29, 2006 The Citizens Party “Had Enough? Vote Democratic!” Is NOT ENOUGH, We Need a New Dual Membership Party Robert David Steele Vivas A few days ago I was discussing strategy with Jock Gill. Both of us tried to help Dean, Edwards, and then Kerry, in that order, with a concept for winning over …