Sepp Hasslberger: Nigerian Public Refuses Monsanto GMO Crops — We Predict ISIS Will Begin Targeting Monsanto

Africans push back against Monsanto’s modified proprietary seeds 5 Million Nigerians Oppose Monsanto’s Plans to Introduce GMO Cotton and Corn One-hundred organizations representing more than 5 million Nigerians, including farmers, faith-based organisations, civil society groups, students and local community groups, have submitted a joint objection to the country’s National Biosafety Management Agency (NABMA) expressing serious concerns …

Betty Boop: NSA is After Hillary Clinton and Sydney Blumenthal for TS/SCI/SAP Violations

Hillary Has an NSA Problem The FBI has been investigating Clinton for months—but an even more secretive Federal agency has its own important beef with her Now, over two months later, I can confirm that the contents of Sid Blumenthal’s June 8, 2011, email to Hillary Clinton, sent to her personal, unclassified account, were indeed …

Ty Simpson : Monsanto Closing 3 Research Centers, Cutting 2,600 Jobs

Monsanto Reports the Closing of 3 Research and Development Centers After announcing a 2,600 job cut Following news made just weeks ago about Monsanto slashing 2,600 jobs and ending $3 billion to buy back shares from investors, the biotech giant is now reporting that it will be closing 3 research and development centers in order to cut …

Owl: Transgenderism/Transageism – The New Elite Pedophile Frontier?

Transgenderism/Transageism: New Pedo Frontier? According to reporter Wayne Madsen, transgenderism will be used as pretext by which to legally expand pederasty. This article link he shared on his web site is about a 50+ man who abandoned his wife and seven children to live his “true life” as a six year old girl. As they say, you …

Ty Simpson: Stop Taking Statins, Avoid Monsanto Foods

Bottom line: Chloresterol suppressants (statins, such as Lipitor) do not prevent heart attacks. They lower cholesterol which is ESSENTIAL to your brain and other elements of your body.  The root problem seems to be connected to Monsanto and Glyphosate which interferes with the liver’s ability to process bile. Listen to these two doctors and decide …