Robert Steele: Intelligence Lies — Russians Did Not Hack Emails and Russians Did Not Hack Voting Machines — Media is Complicit in Massive Propaganda by Government Against Public UPDATE 1

Julian Assange, William Binney, James Bamford, and I — among many others who actually know what is going on and insist on telling the truth, always — could not be clearer: the Russians did not hack the DNC or Podesta emails and the Russians did not hack the US electronic voting machines. Jim Clapper has …

Training: Black OSINT – Robert Steele & Steve Arnold on The Dark Side

ROBERT STEELE: Because this post will live forever online, and the topics we will discuss are virtually classified, I offer a more revealing snapshot here with additional details below the fold: Every official web monitoring system — including so-called “white” portals — has been compromised. Governments (and their contractors) simply do not know what they …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Webinar and Book

Dark Web and Tor Investigative Tools: Tactics, New Products, and Ongoing Developments This webinar looks at specific vendors and products tailored to cope with Dark Web or hidden online services. The information in this webinar has been assembled as part of Stephen E Arnold’s 18 month research project into Dark Web solutions, tactics, and systems. …

DefDog: John Hamre Gets It Wrong — and Politico Lets Him Slide — “Electronic Pearl Harbor” is Original to Winn Schwartau

The ‘electronic Pearl Harbor’ Eighteen years ago I was the first to use that term publicly. It was the wrong analogy then. Not anymore. The phrase became a touchstone in the long national argument over cybersecurity, for better or worse. I was not the author of the phrase. That honor goes to a dear friend of …