John Stein: Staggering Unconstitutionality of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Against US Citizens

Surrendering 2011: Rendition and Methane Jim Garrison Huffington Post, 28 December 2011 In the fine print of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, passed just before the holidays, it turns out that in addition to being now legally able to seize without charge and hold indefinitely without trial any U.S. citizen, the government and the …

Susan Lindauer: A Dangerous Woman? Indefinite Detention at Carswell, and the Trashing of the US Constitution

A Dangerous Woman: Indefinite Detention at Carswell, December 11th, 2011 By Susan Lindauer Some things are unforgivable in a democracy. A bill moving through Congress, authorizing the military to imprison American citizens indefinitely, without a trial or hearing, ranks right at the top of that list. I know—I lived through it on the Patriot …

Mini-Me: Soccer Mom Notices Severe Gap Between US Constitution and the National Defense Authorization Act

Received via email:  I noticed some serious discrepancies between the NDAA as written and the understanding at large surrounding it, as well as widespread gross misunderstandings of events that have transpired in relation to it, such as the Feinstein amendment, widely assumed to reign in its power.  Moreover, by using obfuscatory language in the official …

John Steiner: Occupy Meets the US Constitution

A real-life story illuminates the Occupy process (when it works), and the importance of educating everyone on the Constitution and how it is being violated today. October 29, 2011 SCHULZ GOES TO WALL STREET Gives The Constitution A Voice Direct Link to Online Source Full Text Below for Ease of Automated Translation  

The UnConstitutional US Government…Itemized

Shut it Down By Laurence M. Vance Campaign for Liberty, 05/26/11 Read the entire article…. Phi Beta Iota: Mr. Vance does something we have not seen before.  He enumerates all the parts of government that are unconstitutional, and makes a case for shutting down each in turn.  His final paragraph is especially noteworthy.