Pierre Cloutier: Etienne Chouard and Citizen’s Constitution

This guy, professor Étienne Chouard, from France is fantastic. His site is very interesting. It’s talk about the citizen’s constitution,and draw instead of election, because election = corruption. Let the governed build the government: Etienne Chouard @ TEDxRepubliqueSquare [in French with English sub-titles] If those who could govern best don’t want power, then who’s winning …

William Pfaff: Financial Oligarchy Buries Constitution Democracy in USA

Rise of the Managerial Class Posted on Jun 19, 2012 By William Pfaff At a time when corporate America is exploring and exploiting its new Supreme-Court-bestowed role in the management of American election results, an earlier transformation in the composition and political role of American business leadership should be recalled. This was the replacement of the Gilded …

GIGANET Reference: A Constitutional Solution for Internet Governance

A Constitutional Solution for Internet Governance Rolf H. Weber Faculty of Law, University of Zurich R. Shawn Gunnarson Kirton McConkie June 4, 2012 Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, Forthcoming Dr. Rolf Weber and  R. Shawn Gunnarson have written a paper on ICANN accountability that has been accepted for publication by the Columbia Science and …

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 11: Constitutional Amendment

Steele on Electoral Reform – Part 11: Constitutional Amendment Congress shall work toward a Constitutional Amendment that places Election Integrity outside the power of the government. That amendment, whose terms shall be formulated via the National Initiative for Democracy (National Ballot Initiatives). It might include but not be limited to such initiatives as: 1. Elimination …

Eagle: Occupy to Attorney General – Enforce Constitution – Criminal Complaint Filed Against All Members

Forum Post: Tell Eric Holder US Attorney General To Enforce The Constitution Upon Congress – Criminal complaint filed against all members This is important. Officials need to know that you know and care about congresses violations of oath and constitution by failing to convene an Article V convention. Contact the AG here to assist in …

Josh Kilbourn: Unconstitutional Law – Illegal to Protest

This is interesting for two reasons: first, the blatant manner in which Congress is now violating the Constitution with impunity and regularity; second, that the World Socialist Web Site is the only source I could find of a full coherent explanation of this matter — the corporate media is silent. US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest …

Worth a Look: Good to Be King – On the USA Constitution

This book provides readers with the fundamentals of the Constitution by analyzing the legitimate basis for government, and the circumstances that lead to its ratification. Mr. Badnarik starts with fundamentals, identifying the difference between rights and privileges. He discusses the critical- and needed- distinction between republican and democratic systems of government, arguing that freedom can …