Yoda: Design Thinking Meets True Cost Economics — Change Type Font, Save $370 Million

Font of Knowledge: Teenager Finds Typeface Switch Could Save US Government $370m A high school student from Pittsburgh has discovered a simple but innovative method that could save the US government approximately $370 million (£222m) a year in printing ink costs: Change the typeface it uses. Fourteen-year-old Suvir Mirchandani began his investigation into which typefaces …

Stephen E. Arnold: The [MIT] Observatory of Economic Complexity

The Observatory of Economic Complexity The future of search may just be here, in the form of a specialized search engine courtesy of MIT (quelle surprise!) The Observatory of Economic Complexity (ECI) is the result of a 2010 Master Thesis in Media Arts and Sciences by one Alexander Simoes, and enjoys the continuing support of …

Berto Jongman: Economic Misleading Indicators and Financial Crashes Explained

(Mis)leading Indicators Why Our Economic Numbers Distort Reality Zachary Karabell Foreign Affairs, March/April 2014 The indicators invented in the twentieth century were among the most important innovations of their time. But in a world where anyone with a smartphone can access more data than a team of statisticians could in 1950, governments, businesses, and individuals …

Mini-Me: Growing Evidence That Autism Is Linked to Pollution – True Cost Economics Could Be On Verge of a Break-Out

Growing Evidence That Autism Is Linked to Pollution A new study offers strong evidence that environmental toxins play a role in the disorder Several studies have shown a link between air pollution and autism, but a new study published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology is one of the largest to put the two together. …

Jean Lieven: From Occupy to Climate Justice – Merging Economic Justice and Climate Activism

From Occupy to Climate Justice: Merging Economic Justice and Climate Activism by Wen Stephenson It’s an odd thing, really. in certain precincts of the left, especially across a broad spectrum of what could be called the economic left, our (by which I mean humanity’s) accelerating trajectory toward the climate cliff is little more popular as …

Ecuador Initiative: Limits of Economic Valuations of Nature

ECUADOR INITIATIVE: Transition Proposals Toward a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society Sponsored by the National Institute of Advanced Studies of Ecuador, carried out by the Free/Libre Open Knowledge (FLOK) Society. From Jose Luis Vivero Pol BIOMOT Policy Brief 1 – Limitations to Economic Environmental Valuation 1. EEV methods fail to secure ecosystem systainability. 2. EEV methods …