SchwartzReport: Health — and Kindness — Are A) Vital Part of Socio-Economic & Ideo-Cultural Health and B) Destroyed by Legalized Financial Corruption

Larry Dossey, one of the founders of the alternative and complementary medicine movement — and an SR reader, I am happy to say — has been studying the consequences of policy decisions that do not make national wellness a priority for four decades. Here is his excellent essay on what he calls “The Health Consequences …

Yoda: 10 Groups That Are Building a Movement for Economic Justice from the Grassroots Up

10 Groups That Are Building a Movement for Economic Justice from the Grassroots Up With more than 46 million people living below the poverty line, struggling to survive on $19,530 or less for a family of three, and with more than one in three Americans living on less than twice that amount, scrimping to pay …

Jean Lievens: R. C. Smith Alternative Philosophy of Social Change – On the Basic Income Law, Economic Democracy, Participatory Economics, and the Importance of the Commons in the 21st Century

On the Basic Income Law, Economic Democracy, Participatory Economics, and the Importance of the Commons in the 21st Century R. D. Smith Introduction Over the past few weeks I’ve had the privilege of engaging with a number of people both in formal discussions and on Heathwood’s comment boards regarding a range of issues. These issues …

Jean Lievens: Michael Porter on Businesses Solving Problems, Profit as Sign of Sustainable Solution — Never Mind the Details (e.g. True Cost Economics)

Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems Robert Jones It appears that Michael Porter is having an attack of conscience after recognizing the results of his life’s work. “Where are all the resources?” he asks, and then answers, “In business.” Well, ummm…DUHHH! It took him his whole career to figure this …