Charles Hugh Smith: American Rot – Law for Sale

How Deep Is The Rot In America’s Institutions? How deep has the rot of corruption, fraud, abuse of power, betrayal of the public trust, blatant criminality and insiders protecting the guilty penetrated America’s key public and private institutions? It’s difficult to tell, as the law-enforcement and security agencies are themselves hopelessly compromised.

John Whitehead: The American Gulag — Police State, Predatory Mental Illness Lies, Disarming Veterans…

The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive by the Day The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.

Review: The Trigger – The Lie That Changed the World – Who Really Did It and Why

5 Stars – Three Books in One — 9/11 Disclosure; Zionist Threat in Detail; and Role of Satanic Pedophilia as a Control Element I cannot do this book justice in the way of a summary review as I did his most recent other book but as someone who has also published on 9/11 and taken …

Robert Steele: Byrne – Butina FBI & DoJ Misconduct? Clinton Donations from Russia, Brady Violations?

Russia Probe Twist: A Billion Dollar CEO, A Convicted Russian Agent And The FBI Overstock CEO Turned Over Docs To DOJ ‘on FBI’s Russian and Hillary Clinton Probes’ This is going to become the greatest political scandal in US history. If we survive it, and if Rule of Law returns to America, it will be …

Ray McGovern: Judge Hands FBI & NSA Their Ass — Documents to be Declassified [PBI: This Will Also Explode the Maliciously Manufactured Cases Against LtGen Mike Flynn and Roger Stone]

Rich’s Ghost Haunts the Courts UPDATED: It is verboten to utter his name, but a lawsuit and possible declassification of NSA documents could get to the bottom of the Seth Rich controversy. Butowsky’s libel lawsuit can now proceed to discovery, which will include demands for documents and depositions that are likely to shed light on …