Reflections: Open Letter to the President — We Lack Intelligence with Integrity — Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan

We Lack Intelligence with Integrity Mr. President: Please Fire Clapper, Vickers, & Brennan Mr. President, I hold Jim Clapper, today the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and previously the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI) accountable for failing to serve the public interest all these years. I believe you should fire him, Mike Vickers the …

Guradian Sustainable Business: Jeremy Rifkin on Super Internet Solving All Our Problems — Never Mind the True Cost Details

Radical new economic system will emerge from collapse of capitalism Political adviser and author Jeremy Rifkin believes that the creation of a super internet heralds new economic system that could solve society’s sustainability challenges EXTRACT What about the concern that the end of capitalism would lead to chaos? Rifkin believes the gap left by the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon (and CIA) Breaking Oracle — the Surveillance State Goes Open Source

Amazon and Oracle: The Love Affair Ends I recall turning in a report about Amazon’s use of Oracle as its core database. The client, a bank type operation, was delighted that zippy Amazon had the common sense to use a name brand database. For the bank types, recognizable names used to be indicators of wise …

RIck Robinson: Building Cities with Open Source Everything

From concrete to telepathy: how to build future cities as if people mattered EXTRACT There are many issues of policy, culture, design and technology that we need to get right for this to happen, but the main objectives are clear: The data from city services should be made available as Open Data and through published “Application Programming …