Owl: Crimean Tatars — Long Genocided by Russia — Threaten Jihad

Tatars comprise 12% of Crimean population, and they are are real badasses with a lot of jihadis, and will be a major component in a volatile mix over there. Jihadi Crimean Tatars Threaten Terrorism After Russian Takeover Phi Beta Iota: Tatars have been subject to genocide by the Russians for a very long time. They …

SchwartzReport: Drone Assassination Threat Against US Officials

It is the nature of implemented war technologies that they create arms races that always have unintended consequences. The use of drones is the latest example. It is just a matter of time until American officials start being killed by drones, probably beginning when they are out of the country. Technologies of violence feed on …

THREAT Week Ending 2014-02-22 [THU 7 PM New]

01 Poverty Kids, Poverty and Mental Health: Children of war Tackling poverty and improving education go hand in hand Micro Credit Cannot Aleviate the Poverty of Capitalism 02 Infectious Disease Stealthy, Debilitating Disease Is Poised to Sweep the United States San Francisco Overrun with Bloodsuckers (and Ticks) TAHC visiting major stock shows to discuss biosecurity …

Jean Lievens: BITCOIN – How It Works And Why It Could Threaten Legacy Payment Tools (e.g. Credit Cards)

BITCOIN: How It Works, And Why It Could One Day Threaten Legacy Payments Tools Like Credit Cards Bitcoin is most often discussed as a volatile digital currency, beloved by some, derided by others. But where Bitcoin’s real value lies is as a payments technology that has the potential to revolutionize the legacy payments industry. Bitcoin …

Berto Jongman: Feinstein Uses Bogus Terrorism Numbers to Exaggerate Threat

How Dianne Feinstein Exaggerates Global Terrorism A lesson in how to hype an unquantifiable threat with bogus numbers Condor Friedersdorf The Atlantic Monthly, 30 January 2013 EXTRACT: To make the claim that “terrorism is at an all-time high worldwide,” Feinstein counts attacks against the U.S. military by the Taliban. Put another way, her definition of …