Lance Schuttler: #UNRIG – Former Congresswoman & CIA Spy Call For Peaceful American Revolution

#UNRIG Former Congresswoman & CIA Spy Call For Peaceful American Revolution The Mind Unleashed, 24 May 2017 While tide turned quite some time ago, the movements taking place in our world for true freedom, peace and abundance for all are continuing to grow and converge. Part of this convergence has been a unification of former …

Anonymous: WWIII Over North Korea UPDATE 1

Anonymous warns world to ‘prepare’ for World War 3 According to Anonymous, President Trump’s test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile last week — coupled with a recent warning from Japanese officials to citizens, telling them to make preparations for a possible nuclear attack — are ultimately proof that all signs are pointing to a …

The Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday with links and graphics, generally 2,500 words; and an interactive video each Saturday in which 25-35 questions submitted by subscribers are answered in the first 60 minutes, and then there is an impromptu conversation for another 30 minutes. The Steele Report is conceptualized as a …

Antechinus: Time to Close US Bases in Australia? — Ending Australian Support for US Mass Surveillance and US Drone Assassination

Time to Close U.S. bases in Australia? “I’ve reached the point now where I can no longer stand up and provide the verbal, conceptual justification for the facility that I was able to do in the past. We’re now linked in to this global network where intelligence and operations have become essentially fused and Pine …

Steven Aftergood: US Army Deeply Vulnerable to Armed UAVs Comment by Robert Steele

ARMY EXPLORES COUNTER-DRONE TECHNIQUES Having developed and utilized unmanned aerial systems (UAS, or drones) for surveillance, targeting and attack, the US military now finds itself in the position of having to defend against the same technology. The US Army last week issued a new manual on Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Techniques (ATP 3-01.81, April 13, 2017). …

Robert Steele: UNHINGED: drone assassination – American suicide

REVIEW ESSAY Unhinged: drone assassination – American suicide Intelligence and National Security, 33/1 March 2017 We kill because we can: from soldiering to assassination in the drone age, by Laurie Calhoun, London, Zed Books, 2016, 400 pp., US$15.95 (paperback), ISBN 978 178360547 7 Drones and the future of armed conflict: ethical, legal, and strategic implications, …