Marcus Aurelius: SecDef – Six Points, No Bench, No Plan, No Joy — Can CSA Mobilize Carlisle and Re-Invent the US Army in 6 Months?

Attached is a SECDEF speech from two days ago — six main points and the major thrust is things are not going to get better any time soon. PDF (10 Pages): (U) SecDef Six Points 5 NOV 13 Six priorities: First, we will continue to focus on institutional reform. Second, we will re-evaluate our military’s …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter – Issue 67, October 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 67, October 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 71,727 other activists. That’s 1,011 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

David Swanson: ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations

ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations By David Swanson and David Hartsough with input from George Lakey, Jan Passion, Mike Ferner, Colleen Kelly, Ruth Benn, Leah Bolger, Nathan Schneider, Hakim, Paul Chappell, Colin Archer, Kathy Kelly, et alia. (none of whom are to blame …

Richard Stallman: LibrePlanet 2014: Calling all presenters, volunteers, and exhibitors

LibrePlanet 2014: Calling all presenters, volunteers, and exhibitors by Free Software Foundation — Published on Oct 18, 2013 04:50 PM If you’re passionate about free software, the Free Software Foundation wants you to be a part of LibrePlanet 2014. We’re excited to announce three new ways to get involved in next year’s conference: answer our …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Robin Good: Attention Doesn’t Scale – the Role of Content Curation in Membership Associations

Elizabeth Weaver Engel and Jeff De Cagna are the authors of a small but very useful guide to Content Curation originally written for membership groups, and first published in November 2012.  The guide offers a good introduction to why content curation is so important, how it can help any organization and what are the key …