William Binney & Robert Steele at CATO: 9/11 False Flag NSA Shut Down Watered Down Thin Thread Down Precisely to Prevent Revelation of US Persons Involved in the False Flag event

NSA: Ordered to NOT Examine Data that May Prove 9/11 “False Flag” Terrorism? On September 4, 2018 at DC’s Cato Institute, a panel discussion was held regarding “The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned.” Karl Golovin (a retired U.S. Customs special agent and 9/11 responder asked: If U.S. Persons (intelligence, military …

Richard Dolan: 9/11, MKULTRA, Joe Biden, End of the Constitution

Alert Reader flags the video below and provides the summary that is below the fold.  New information: Joe Biden, Zionist agent of influence? Key author of the Patriot Act going back to 1985 when Zionists started planning 9/11 in earnest. If Cheney-Biden are a team, then treason really is non-partisan as we have stated in …

Robert Steele: President Donald Trump’s 9/11 Speech is Full of Errors — Cell Phones Did Not, Do Not Operate on Aircraft, Nor Were Airphones Used UPDATE 3

UPDATE 3: I continue to get emails that assure me that the President has Bush-Cheney is his sights — which would also be a brilliant preamble to taking down Obama-Biden-Clinton (my letter to Comey below). Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5 A major economic …

Mongoose: Corbyn Sodomized by Labour as Labour is Sodomized by Zionists — ENOUGH Already!

The time to eradicate Zionist Israel is now.  9/11 Truth will do that. Legal Advice and Common Sense Jettisoned as UK Labour Party Leaders Surrender to Zionist Diktat According to the Guardian the most controversial passage in Corbyn’s draft statement said: “It cannot be considered racist to treat Israel like any other state or assess …