Stephanie Sledge: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook’s Curious Car Licensed to Dane Country Sheriff’s Department, Madison, WI

Stephanie Sledge: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook’s Curious Car Licensed to Dane Country Sheriff’s Department, Madison, WI Mr. President, The Sandy Hook event, now almost six years later, has produced more questions than answers. One of those unanswered questions concern the car brought to the school on the day of the shooting …

Gareth Porter: How DHS [A Zionist Proxy] Created the Russia Hacking Myth

How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites DHS compiled an intelligence report suggesting hackers linked to the Russian government could have targeted voter-related websites in many states and then leaked a sensational story of Russian attacks on those sites without the qualifications that would have revealed …

Betty Boop: Did Hillary Clinton’s Private Email, Hacked by China, Lead to the Execution of All US Spies in China?

Did The New York Times Out Hillary Clinton As The Source Of The CIA-China Spy Massacre? 18 to 20 covert operatives were discovered/imprisoned/murdered by China’s government in the short span of 2010 to 2012. The U.S. security breach that allowed that to happen remains ‘unknown’ according to Establishment Media coverage. Stunning Report Confirms China Had …

Mongoose: Russia Accuses UK of Backing False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria — YET AGAIN….

Russia accuses UK of backing a false flag chemical attack in Syria Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement that the jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is “preparing another provocation of the ‘use of chemical weapons’ by Syrian government forces against the peaceful population of the Idlib province.” He said the group …

Rebecca Campbell: Danielle Ryan at RT: #GoogleGestapo Internet Censorship of Left and Right

This Week Showed Internet Censorship Is As Much A Threat To The Left As The Right Click above to read expansion of each listed cause of concern 1. Facebook censorship of Venezuelan news 2. Facebook complying with Israeli deletion orders 3. Google and Facebook censorship of left/socialist websites 4. Legitimate left-wing protests targeted? 5. Twitter …