Howard Rheingold: PersonalBrain Webinar One Hour Free

PersonalBrain Webinar : February 15, 2012, 11 AM -12:00 PM Pacific, 2:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern Webinar FREE Online We’re all connected to a vast sea of information: twitter, email, news and social networking sites, blogs and corporate portals …But with all this information at our fingertips it begs the question: are we getting smarter …

Berto Jongman: Kurzweil Blog – Bypass the Internet!

Bypass the Internet! Amara D. Angelica Kurzweil Blog, January 30, 2012 I’m sick of hearing about how we need to cave into repressive governments and throttle back Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other information services and accept Web censorship and limits on free expression. Get the hell off my cloud. “If a full-surveillance world prevents us …

DefDog: Anonymous Intercepts FBI – Scotland Yard Conference Call On — Wait for It — Hacking… + Meta-RECAP

Example of the state of USGOV systems…. Anonymous gain access to FBI and Scotland Yard hacking call BBC news, 3 February 2012 Hacking network Anonymous has released a recording of a conference call between the FBI and UK police in which they discuss efforts against hacking. The call, said to have taken place last month, …

Eagle: How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State

How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State Karen De Coster, 31 January 2012 Public education, in its current state, is based on the idea that government is the “parent” best equipped to provide children with the values and wisdom required to grow into intelligent, functional adults. To echo what …