Kevin Barrett: Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True

Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True Some people just can’t handle the truth. Case in point: America’s Jewish Establishment and the Shabbat goys on their payroll, who are all squealing like stuck pigs in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pointed remarks about Jewish-Zionist power. . . . . . In short, Rep. Omar’s two “anti-Semitic tropes” …

Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner Going to Jail? (Following in His Father’s Footsteps?)

Qatar Shocked, Shocked to Learn It Accidentally Bailed Out Jared Kushner Doha insists it was an “unwitting” partner in the deal. Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have …

Review: Team of Vipers – My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House by Cliff Sims

5 Stars – Authentic – Honors the President While Exposing All Who Would Betray the President President Donald Trump has a right to be angry about this book because it violates a non-disclosure agreement signed by the author. However, I am quite certain the President has not actually read the book or he would realize …