Journal: Huffington Post–Congress is Corrupt

Carl Bernstein: US Congress Is Corrupt, Systemically Broken (VIDEO) During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today journalist and author Carl Bernstein lamented that the debate over and the writing of health care reform legislation has shown us “Congress at its worst.” Bernstein harshly critiques the nation’s legislative branch as a body that is “responsive …

Journal: Wall Street & the Obama Administration

Chuck Spinney sends…. Obama’s Big Sellout The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway MATT TAIBBI Rolling Stone Dec 09, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: We include the entire article below to share Chuck Spinney’s value-added highlights.  See the original article without highlights by …

Review: World-Systems Analysis–An Introduction

Buy PAPERBACK Version–Rewarding but Disappointing December 10, 2009 Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein Do NOT buy the hard-copy. Amazon obscures the fact that the paperback is available, this is a very thin book, buy the paperbackWorld-Systems Analysis: An Introduction (A John Hope Franklin Center Book). I would have been furious had I bought the hard copy at …

Search: Knowledge Policy

Cass Sunstein is a very good person, but he will die on the vine at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Bruce McConnell’s old job (Bruce spoke at OSS ’92, along with Arnie Donahue, nothing has changed since then). Knowledge policy is best understood at three levels:

Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while …

Journal: Web War II

Web 2.0 Expo: O’Reilly Warns Of Web War Paul McDougall November 17, 2009 Internet visionary fears an end to openness as Internet rivals consolidate power. The Web, which began life as an open community where information and tools were freely shared across geographic, political, and social boundaries, is in danger of becoming segmented into a …