Journal: It Takes a Comic (or Two)…to Rebuild a Nation

Thousands to Voice Frustrations at Stewart and Colbert Rally Those Planning to Attend Fed Up By American Politics, Want to Laugh By MAYA SRIKRISHNAN and JENNIFER SCHLESINGER ABC News Oct. 28, 2010 From across the country – and Canada – thousands of supporters are expected in Washington to attend Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s “Rally …

Reference: Open Source Civilization

Phi Beta Iota: We cannot say enough good things about these folks.  This is righteous good stuff–eight times cheaper than industrial offerings, virtually no “true cost” externalities, interchangeable parts, human scale, the whole enchilada. Tip of the Hat to Brandin Watson at Facebook.

Journal: Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services

Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services By: Mark Hachman PCMAG.COM 10.25.2010 In a memo, Microsoft executive Ray Ozzie warned that the industry is moving to a post-PC world, and warned Microsoft employees that they must either lead or be pushed aside. The memo, entitled “Dawn of a New Day,” was dated Oct 28 and …

Reference: The Future of Physics Lecture I

Setting the stage: Space-time and Quantum Mechanics (Video Lecture Online) Renowned theoretical physicist Nima Arkani-Hamed delivered the first in his series of five Messenger lectures on “The Future of Fundamental Physics” Oct. 4. Formerly a professor at Harvard, Arkani-Hamed currently sits on the faculty at the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, …

TED Video on “Connectivity=Productivity” Growth of Bangladesh Telecom to Allieviate Poverty

Iqbal Quadir Creates a Culture of Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh Why does poverty exist? That’s no small question for an individual to ask, but in Iqbal Quadir’s homeland, Bangladesh, there may be no other question that matters more. His answer is twofold: First, European prosperity resulted from the devolution of authorities and the empowerment of citizens, …

TED Video on “Recovering Plunderer” and “Greenest CEO” Ray Anderson & I = P x A / T2

The Magnitude of the Entrepreneurial Mission Ray Anderson and the Business Logic of Sustainability Thirty-six years ago, Ray Anderson bootstrapped a carpet company called Interface. He maneuvered it though the challenging years, and by the 1990s he was a major player, which also meant he was a preeminent contributor to the take/make/waste production system of …