Pierre Cloutier: From Quebec, A View of the Growing Tyranny in the USA

Being read in the north. How The Boston Bombing Is Already Being Exploited To Introduce Tyranny EXTRACT The point of a false flag is to frighten the population of any given nation into relinquishing freedom in the name of safety, which in the process gives the central government even more control. In the wake of …

Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

Blogger Jon Rappoport offers penetrating insight into the on-going implosion of image-based mass media, and it’s good news for truth (emphasis mine): “Television news is shriveling. And it’s under attack from a new breed. You can call them counter-programmers, video freaks, whatever.  But they’re winning. Every dollar and inch of technology the networks employ move …

G. I. Wilson: Intelligence Lessons Learned in Boston — and the Lack of Honest Competent Counterintelligence in the USA

Seems some of the same old flaws we have highlighted for years…hoarding info giving a false sense of power, no appreciation of the value of OSINT- social media, and silo’s of information concordant with age old turf sequestration. DNI has done little to reduce the overall intel community’s friction but added to it…makes me believe …

DefDog: Three Pounds of Firecracker Powder for Boston Bombing? Updated with EOD “No Way, Jose”

Not only does this track perfectly with a false flag scenario, but the fact that ANOTHER false flag bomber used the same store — a long way from Times Square — is beyond belief absent the same “handler” being lazy about finding new sources for marginally credible purchases. Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev bought three pounds …

Greg Palast: Venezuela’s Recent Election — A History of Democracy Against Empire

Did Chavez’ Pick Steal the Election in Venezuela? By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine – Leer el artículo en español aquí. Tuesday, 23. April 2013 The guy in the cheap brown windbreaker walking up the dirty tenement steps to my New York office looked like a bus driver. Nicolas Maduro, elected President of Venezuela last Sunday, did …

Eagle: Canadian Plot Foiled, US Throws in Iran & Al Qaeda

As Mini-Me, might say, Huh? Canadian train terror plot foiled Reuters, 23 April 2013 EXTRACT The Canadian authorities linked the two to al-Qaeda factions in Iran, to the surprise of some security experts. “The individuals were receiving support from al-Qaeda elements located in Iran,” Mr Malizia said. Iran did host some senior al-Qaeda figures under …