Seems some of the same old flaws we have highlighted for years…hoarding info giving a false sense of power, no appreciation of the value of OSINT- social media, and silo's of information concordant with age old turf sequestration. DNI has done little to reduce the overall intel community's friction but added to it…makes me believe the intel community has way too many layers and internal bureaucracies to be effective…too big to function but big enough to fail dramatically,yet, not change…..no organizational learning…we never learn we never learn.
Intelligence Lessons From the Boston Attacks
Scott Helfstein
Foreign Affairs, April 23, 2013
Last week’s attack at the Boston Marathon, like the attempted car bombing of Times Square almost three years ago, shows that the line between local conflicts and global ones has become thinner. Faisal Shahzad, the would-be terrorist in 2010, had legally lived in the United States for seven years and had earned citizenship the year before hatching his plot. He would later say that he was inspired to carry out the attack by the radical Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, but the United States discovered that the plot had, in fact, been organized and possibly financed by an extremist group called the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which usually targets the Pakistani state and military. The organization’s attempt to strike in the United States showed that its own distinction between the near and far enemy had become increasingly blurred.
Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge. All second-hand reporting, without exception, points to this being a false flag terrorism event orchestrated by DHS and the FBI and probably with the full approval of the White House. In one word: treason. For the first time, possibly treason provable by citizen counterintelligence. There is not a single piece of evidence validated by an independent third party that connects the two brothers (the third is an impoverished cast of patsies) to the bombings, and there are many indicators, including amputee actors, Craft employees with backpacks and earpieces, and so on, all validating what is becoming the universal public conclusion: this was an attack on US citizens and visiting foreign nationals by elements of the US Government. At this time we believe that the Department of Defense had nothing to do with Boston. From where we sit, the USA has no counterintelligence service worthy of the name, the media consists of co-opted individuals with no integrity, and whatever truth is to be discovered in this matter must inevitable emerge from public intelligence in the public interest.
See Also:
Boston Bombing Unaswered Questions Remain
DefDog: Three Pounds of Firecracker Powder for Boston Bombing? Updated with EOD “No Way, Jose”
Josh Kilbourn: Citizen Overview of Boston False Flag Anomalies & Many Links
Kevin Barrett: Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?
Mini-Me: UPDATE Two Suspects Identified — Not the Original Craft PMC Boys
Owl: Boston False Flag and Its Aftermath — Anomalies!
Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….
Owl: One Big Lie Many Small Lies … Boston Narrative Continues to Unravel
Paul Craig Roberts: Boston Bombing as Dry Run for Martial Law and Major Metropolis Lock-Down 1.1
Theophillis Goodyear: Evidence Mounts of FBI Treason in Boston Bombing