The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

Adm Mike Rogers Does Mike Rogers have a role to play in the next Trump term? Air Combat Simon Parks today said there was American-Chinese-Iranian air combat engagement ‘somewhere’ between 1/1/21 & 1/? …do you know anything about this? If true ‘ZERO NEWS Coverage”???

Robert Steele: Media Hit Job Campaign Against Q Anon & Truthers on Satanic Pedophilia

As received from Amy Mackinnon, youthful reporter at Foreign Policy: Dear Mr. Steele, I hope this finds you well. I’m a national security reporter with Foreign Policy magazine. I’m hoping to talk to you about your work with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice, your sponsorship of the book Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The …

The Steele Report Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades White House, Economy, Society, and UK/Israel Green, Message Yellow.  The following topics are covered today: Announcing Three Movies Made Possible by Donors & Subscribers Are We Facing a Looming Power Outage, Food Crisis, & Real Pandemic? Rise of “The Sheriffs’ Movement” or Constitutional Sheriffs (and Pastors?) #UNRIG Election Reform Act — Could Country …

The Steele Report: Grades & Topics Today

Robert grades GREEN for White House, Message, Society, and UK/Israel. He addresses the following topics: Week in Review — What Has Happened? Predictions for 19 January to 4 March 2021 My Trusted Sources — My Search for Truth If It All Goes To Shit – What Next?

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

6 January 2021 SOF Was 6 January an Antifa false flag or a SOF false flag? What really happened? Did the woman really die? Did media announce breach before it happened? President’s reaction? 6 January 2021 Robert, the question needing an answer is this: “who paid the hoodlums to disrupt this peaceful protest?”