Stephen E. Arnold: Automated Collection Keynote Preview — We Are Not Keeping Up …

Automated Collection Keynote Preview On February 19, 2015, I will do the keynote at an invitation only intelligence conference in Washington, DC. A preview of my formal remarks is available in an eight minute video at this link. The preview has been edited. I have inserted an example of providing access to content not requiring …

Stephen E. Arnold: Autonomy – Leader of a Sorry Pack

Autonomy: Leading the Push Beyond Enterprise Search In “CyberOSINT: Next Generation Information Access,” I describe Autonomy’s math-first approach to content processing. The reason is that after the veil of secrecy was lifted with regard to the signal processing`methods used for British intelligence tasks, Cambridge University became one of the hot beds for the use of …

Marcus Aurelius: CYBER School Modeled on RANGER School? But What Is Cyber?

Interesting concept, although I’m not sure how practical it is. Towards a Cyber Leader Course Modeled on Army Ranger School By Gregory Conti, Michael Weigand, Ed Skoudis, David Raymond, Thomas Cook and Todd Arnold Small Wars Journal  | Apr 18 2014 – 11:31am Since 1950, the U.S. Army Ranger School has garnered a well-earned reputation …

Stephen E. Arnold: Technology Flopping – Thinking Still Out of Style

Concern about the Future of Technology I suggest you read two articles. The first is from folks who make their living cheerleading technology. The article “What Does the Recent Tech Stock Downturn Meant? The Truth Is Nobody Knows.” is an admission that the future of technology is—well—not too clear. With increasing class tension in the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Only 58% of US-UK Companies and Information Governance Policies

Recommind Survey Shows Stats Related to Information Governance January 16, 2014 The article titled Bridging the Global Information Governance Gap on IDM offers more governance advice from the findings of Recommind’s survey of US and UK companies. The survey posed questions related to information governance (IG), which is “a cross-departmental approach to optimising [sic] the …

Stephen E. Arnold: $450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand

$450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand The article titled DOD Says “No Mas” On Commercial Cloud, Puts Brakes on $450M Contract on Ars Technica has some concerned that the government is rethinking its commitment to the cloud. Scott Stewart, contracting officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) explained the decision …