Richard Wright: It’s Only Money – Why the IC Continues to Fail & Robert Steele: 10% Grade – A Dishonorable Discharge Needed

Its Only Money The posting of Jim Bamford’s Politico article on today’s Public Intelligence Blog or rather the accompanying comment on it by Robert Steele [Jim Bamford: How 9/11 Fearmongering Grew NSA Into a Very Expensive Domestic Surveillance Monster] identifies the principal problem with the outrageously expensive NSA.  His comment is directly related to earlier …

Worth A Look: Understanding 9/11 and 9/11 RECAP

Precedent works: Project for a New American Century Post-Event Illuminations: 2006  Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror 2007 Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years” From Niels Groeneveld at Facebook: VIDEO:  9/11 Attack or Godsend (German and British Ministers) Decision to Invade Afghanistan …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link