Stephen E. Arnold: Edward Snowden on Criminalization of Journalism

Snowden Speaks on Whistleblowers and the Criminalization of Journalism Edward Snowden, somewhat of an expert on high-profile whistle blowing and its aftermath, recently shared his thoughts on the freedom of the press with journalist Glenn Greenwald. Citing the interview, Newsweek reports, “Edward Snowden Says ‘War on Whistleblowers’ Trend Shows a ‘Criminalization of Journalism.’” The trend …

Dan Schultz: State Legislators Have Absolute Constitutional Right to Ignore Fraudulent Public Vote and Choose Electors As They Please . . .

Briefly, here is an outline of a strategy to have the Arizona Republican House and Senate members publicly reclaim their plenary power granted by the U.S. Constitution to choose Arizona’s presidential electors.  Let’s assume that ALL Republicans in the AZ House and Senate do this. Article II, section 1, clause 2 gives plenary authority (that …