Mini-Me: Time for a GAO Audit of Claimed Cyber-War Capabilities and Investment Plans

Huh? Pentagon expands cyber-attack capabilities Jim Michaels USA Today, 21 April 2013 WASHINGTON – The U.S. military is increasing its budget for cyber-warfare and expanding its offensive capabilities, including the ability to blind an enemy’s radar or shut down its command systems in the event of war, according to two defense officials. In the 2014 …

Berto Jongman: State-Sponsored Industrial Cyber-Espionage

State-backed data spies hunt industrial secrets State-sponsored industrial espionage became a bigger cyber-threat to companies in 2012, a report indicates. Statistics gathered for Verizon’s annual data breach report suggested state-sponsored hacking attacks were now the number two cyber-threat. Top of the list were hackers looking to steal money after breaking into corporate networks, Often, the …

Berto Jongman: cyber pearl harbor panel discussion – 22 Years Late

Panel Talks About Detecting, Thwarting Cyber Attack Space Foundation, 04/08/2013 Can the U.S. detect, thwart and respond to a cyber offensive that would leave our nation vulnerable to other, possibly more conventional, offensive efforts? Visions of a “Cyber Pearl Harbor” are forcing decision makers to take steps to avoid such a calamity. Read more.

John Maguire: Jaron Lanier on How to Not Create a New Cyber Plutocracy

Jaron Lanier, one of the Founding Fathers of Virtual Reality and outspoken critic of Web 2.0, gives a presentation at Personal Democracy Forum 2012 in NYC on Cyber-Plutocracy. Lanier portrays Web 2.0 as a polarized-space where the Monopolization of Data/Network-Based Wealth co-exist side-by-side with the Open-Communities egalitarian drive for establishing Open-Information/Networking/Abundance. While Lanier views ‘Open’ …

John Robb: Cyber-War with China — Wrong Answer (and Robert Steele with Better Answer)

Cyber Deterrence against China? The only route left is an Open Source Approach Is there a way to deter cyber attacks? Yes. Two ways. One takes a moral high ground. I won’t waste any time discussing that option. Why? After flame/stuxnet, and the unilateral escalation of the cyberweapons arms race by the US, that option …

Stuart Umpleby: Role of Cybernetics in Intelligence — Extrapolation

Downloadable Document:  2011 AAAS Security Policy & Cybernetics Dr. Stuart Umpleby As I understand it, the fundamental problem with secret intelligence is too much self-reference and too little peer review.  Stated differently, any advice from a subordinate to a superior has two components — describing some observed system and wanting to please the boss.  Peer …