Robert Steele: Open Letter to the President: Reinventing National Security – New Book

Short URL: The original and three copies of this letter, and four copies of the new book, REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY — Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army — Everything Our President Is Not Being Told, were delivered to the White House by FedEx at 0830 on 29 November. Fifteen copies of the …

Robert Steele: In 1989 General Al Gray and I Said the Narco-Threat Was a “Type” Threat That Had to Be Dealt With. We Were Ignored. Now President Trump is Taking Decisive Action

War Imminent After Trump Surrounds Mexico With Aircraft Carriers And Admits Conflict Declaration Ready* In 1989 Commandant of the Marine Corps Al Gray and I both recognized that the narcotics threat was a “type” threat that should not be ignored; and that intelligence justifying PPBE for “peaceful preventive measures” was needed. We were ignored.  CMC …

Sara Carter: Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper

Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper Millions spent, no audit trail. Phi Beta Iota: Office of Net Assessment (ONA) is overdue for termination or redirection.  It does not do what it is funded to do, and is instead a slush fund for neo-conservative war-mongering in violation of all US …

Yoda: Supreme Leader Respects Jews — Focus on Zionists, Eliminating Invented Criminal Apartheid Genocidal State of Israel — Make the Deal, Mr. President!

A story republished around the world. Leader: Elimination of Israel doesn’t mean elimination of Jewish people “We provide support for the Palestinian people. We are not anti-Semitic. Jews are living in our country (Iran) under the highest level of safety,” the Leader emphasized. “Elimination of the Zionist regime is meant that the Palestinians who are …

Berto Jongman: Pentagon Worried About Its Own Collapse in 20 Years…

Pentagon Report Predicts Collapse of US Military Within 20 Years Faced with the challenges of global climate change as well as the refugee crisis and armed conflicts it will create, the U.S. military may very well collapse. That’s the dire conclusion of a Pentagon-commissioned report about the future of the military, first published online in …

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Part I: Top 50 books (cosmic mind-altering books) Part II: The other 2,000 books in 26 clusters (a national conversation) Part III: SPY IMPROV – Questions & Answers To view in full screen mode click on vimeo word at lower right screen. Additional videos, graphics, scripts, and linked tables of book reviews below.